- (Exam Topic 4)
You just upgraded the version of a provider in an existing Terraform project. What do you need to do to install the new provider?
Correct Answer:
[-upgrade] - Opt to upgrade modules and plugins as part of their respective installation steps. See the sections below for more details. Reference: https://www.terraform.io/cli/commands/init#upgrade
- (Exam Topic 1)
Examine the following Terraform configuration, which uses the data source for an AWS AMI. What value should you enter for the ami argument in the AWS instance resource?
Correct Answer:
resource "aws_instance" "web" { ami= data.aws_ami.ubuntu.id
Reference: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/instance
- (Exam Topic 4)
What Terraform feature is shown in the example below?
Correct Answer:
- (Exam Topic 1)
You need to deploy resources into two different cloud regions in the same Terraform configuration. To do that, you declare multiple provider configurations as follows:
What meta-argument do you need to configure in a resource block to deploy the resource to the “us-west-2” AWS region?
Correct Answer:
- (Exam Topic 3)
A user has created three workspaces using the command line - prod, dev, and test. The user wants to create a fourth workspace named stage. Which command will the user execute to accomplish this?
Correct Answer:
The terraform workspace new command is used to create a new workspace. https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/workspace/new.html