

Ursa Major Solar customer records have a lot of fields and Lightning components to give users a variety of information and available functions. Recently,usrrs have noted that their pages take a long time to load and it's starting to negatively impact their experience.
What should theadministrator do to help diagnose where improvements can be made?

Correct Answer: B


What would prevent a user from syncing a quote with an opportunity?

Correct Answer: B


At Ursa Major Solar, there is an account owner by a user with the role of Galaxy manager. Two users with the same profile are both assigned to the sub-role, Galaxy Subordinate. However, only one can access the account.
What is the reason only one user can see the account record?

Correct Answer: B


The administrator at Cloud Kicks made new fields and page layout adjustments based on new requirements from the service teem. The changes have been built In a sandbox and are ready to be deployed Into production.
Whetshould en administrator do before deploying the change set in production?

Correct Answer: B


A sales user is assigned to a permission set group that gives them Modify All access to
Accounts. An administrator assigns the same user to a muting permission set that mutes Deletes access on Account.
What level of access will the sales user have on the Account object?

Correct Answer: C