

- (Topic 4)
Part of program management is to identify what motivates your program team members. If you subscribe to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs which need is at the top of the hierarchy?

Correct Answer: C


- (Topic 2)
You are the program manager of the HNG Program. This program has a budget at completion of $2,345,900 and is expected to last two years. The program is currently 30 percent complete and you have spent $789,000. The program is supposed to be 35 percent complete but do to some delays you're slightly behind schedule. Based on this information, what is the schedule performance index (SPI) for this program?

Correct Answer: B


- (Topic 3)
A program has a BAC of $550,000 and is currently 45 percent complete though was actually scheduled to be 55 percent complete by this time. The program has spent, however, $265,000 to date. Based on this information what is the cost performance index (CPI) for this program?

Correct Answer: A


- (Topic 1)
You are the program manage of HYH Program for your organization. Your program is to create a new sports arena for your city within 12 months. Your program has seven projects and you've worked with all of the project managers before. Even though you've worked with the project managers before you still need to define the authority of the project managers and their projects. What document names the project manager for the project?

Correct Answer: A


- (Topic 1)
You are the program manager for the NHQ Program. Your program has a budget of
$4,500,000 and has lasted for two years. Your program has just completed its final deliverable and you're completing the final program closure processes. What document
must the program customer must now sign as part of program closure?

Correct Answer: C