Which of the following statements describes the objectives of service asset and configuration management?
1: To identify, control, report and verify service assets and configuration items (CIs)
2: To account for, manage and protect the integrity of service assets and configuration items
3: To establish and maintain an accurate and complete configuration management system
4: To document all security controls together with their operation and maintenance
Correct Answer:
Reference:.http://www.ucisa.ac.uk/~/media/Files/members/activities/ITIL/servicetransition/s ervice_asset/ITIL_guide%20to%20SA%20and%20CM%20management%20pdf.(see 'The purpose and objectives of service asset and configuration management; first and second bullet)
Which role is responsible for carrying out the activities of a process?
Correct Answer:
Ensuring that the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the services are maintained to the levels agreed on the Service Level Agreement (SLA) is the responsibility of which role?
Correct Answer:
Which of the following are responsibilities of a Service Level Manager?
1: Agreeing targets in Service Level Agreements
2: Designing the service so it can meet the targets
3: Ensuring all needed contracts and agreements are in place
Correct Answer:
Which of the following is the BEST definition of an event?
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