

A school of engineering is interested in Salesforce. There are several other Salesforce environments across the university with varying degrees of usage and configuration. The university is largely decentralized where schools operate independently of each other and often in silos. There is high turnover in staff and leadership.
Which Salesforce environment strategy should the consultant recommend?

Correct Answer: A
The consultant should recommend that the school of engineering should have its own Salesforce environment as a Salesforce environment strategy for the school of engineering that is interested in Salesforce and there are several other Salesforce environments across the university with varying degrees of usage and configuration, the university is largely decentralized where schools operate independently of each other and often in silos, and there is high turnover in staff and leadership. A Salesforce environment is an instance of Salesforce that contains a set of data, metadata, features, or configurations. The school of engineering should have its own Salesforce environment as a Salesforce environment strategy for the school of engineering that is interested in Salesforce and there are several other Salesforce environments across the university with varying degrees of usage and configuration, the university is largely decentralized where schools operate independently of each other and often in silos, and there is high turnover in staff and leadership by having more control, flexibility, and autonomy over their own data, metadata, features, or configurations without being affected by or affecting other schools?? environments. The university should not consolidate all of the Salesforce environments, the school of engineering should not initiate a Center of Excellence (CoE), or the school of engineering should not share an existing Salesforce environment with another school as a Salesforce environment strategy for the school of engineering that is interested in Salesforce and there are several other Salesforce environments across the university with varying degrees of usage and configuration, the university is largely decentralized where schools operate independently of each other and often in silos, and there is high turnover in staff and leadership. References:
✑ https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.environments.htm&type=5
✑ https://www.salesforce.org/wp- content/uploads/2019/03/Education_Cloud_COE_Guide.pdf


College advisors want assistance proactively identifying student issues as they arise. Which functionality in Student Success Hub should the consultant recommend?

Correct Answer: C
Early Alerts is a functionality in Student Success Hub that the consultant can recommend to meet the requirement of providing assistance to proactively identify student issues as they arise. Early Alerts is a feature that allows users to create and manage alerts for students who may need intervention or support, such as academic, financial, or personal issues. Early Alerts can help college advisors proactively identify student issues as they arise by using features such as Alert Reasons, Alert Statuses, or Alert Assignment Rules. Advising Events, Mass Actions, and Success Plans are not functionalities in Student Success Hub that can meet the requirement of providing assistance to proactively identify student issues as they arise. References:
✑ https://www.salesforce.org/products/student-success-hub/overview/
✑ https://powerofus.force.com/s/article/SSHub-Early-Alerts


The Dean of the Business school has a dashboard that displays the application yield by program, geographic distribution of applicants, and recruitment pipeline. The Dean wants the same reports for program directors. Sharing settings have been configured so program directors can only see recruitment and application information for their own program.
How can the consultant meet the business requirement?

Correct Answer: D
The consultant can meet the business requirement by setting View Dashboard As to the dashboard viewer and sharing it with program directors. This will allow the program directors to see the same reports as the Dean, but filtered by their own program, based on the sharing settings. Checking the Let Dashboard Viewers Choose Whom They View the Dashboard As on the Dean??s dashboard, setting View Dashboard As to the Dean and sharing it with program directors, and adding a dashboard filter to the Dean??s dashboard and saving it to All Folders are not options that can meet the business requirement. References:
✑ https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.dashboards_running_user.htm&type=5
✑ https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.dashboards_dynamic_filters.htm&ty pe=5


During the requirements gathering phase, the academic staff stated that students are independent of any Account or Company. The staff requested that the Contact's Account field be blank and hidden on the page layout.
What is the impact of creating a Contact without a parent Account?

Correct Answer: D
The impact of creating a Contact without a parent Account is that Contacts are public to all users, potentially sharing sensitive data. This is because Contacts without a parent Account are considered as private contacts, and they do not follow the sharing rules of the Account object. Private contacts are visible to all users in the same role or above, regardless of the Contact owner or the organization-wide default settings. This can expose sensitive student information to users who should not have access to it. Contacts without a parent Account are not private only to the record owner, at risk of ownership data skew, or require manually creating a related Affiliation record to enable sharing. References:
✑ https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.contacts_parent.htm&type=5
✑ https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.contacts_sharing_considerations.ht m&type=5


A Career Services department plans to implement Salesforce. The consultant is preparing for the discovery session will the director and advising staff.
Which question should the consultant ask during the discovery session?

Correct Answer: C
The consultant should ask about the success metrics for the project to understand the goals and expectations of the Career Services department and how to measure them. This will help the consultant design a solution that aligns with the department??s vision and needs. Which users need system admin access and what is the estimated project budget are questions that can be asked later in the project planning or execution phase, not during the discovery session. References:
✑ https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/modules/education-cloud-basics/education-cloud-discovery
✑ https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/modules/education-cloud-basics/education-cloud-project-planning