

The following table consists of items found in user carts within an e-commerce website.
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The following MERGE statement is used to update this table using an updates view, with schema evaluation enabled on this table.
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How would the following update be handled?

Correct Answer: D
With schema evolution enabled in Databricks Delta tables, when a new field is added to a record through a MERGE operation, Databricks automatically modifies the table schema to include the new field. In existing records where this new field is not present, Databricks will insert NULL values for that field. This ensures that the schema remains consistent across all records in the table, with the new field being present in every record, even if it is NULL for records that did not originally include it.
✑ Databricks documentation on schema evolution in Delta Lake: https://docs.databricks.com/delta/delta-batch.html#schema-evolution


A Delta Lake table representing metadata about content from user has the following schema:
Based on the above schema, which column is a good candidate for partitioning the Delta Table?

Correct Answer: A
Partitioning a Delta Lake table improves query performance by organizing data into partitions based on the values of a column. In the given schema, the date column is a good candidate for partitioning for several reasons:
✑ Time-Based Queries: If queries frequently filter or group by date, partitioning by the date column can significantly improve performance by limiting the amount of data scanned.
✑ Granularity: The date column likely has a granularity that leads to a reasonable number of partitions (not too many and not too few). This balance is important for optimizing both read and write performance.
✑ Data Skew: Other columns like post_id or user_id might lead to uneven partition sizes (data skew), which can negatively impact performance.
Partitioning by post_time could also be considered, but typically date is preferred due to its more manageable granularity.
✑ Delta Lake Documentation on Table Partitioning: Optimizing Layout with Partitioning


In order to prevent accidental commits to production data, a senior data engineer has instituted a policy that all development work will reference clones of Delta Lake tables. After testing both deep and shallow clone, development tables are created using shallow clone.
A few weeks after initial table creation, the cloned versions of several tables implemented as Type 1 Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) stop working. The transaction logs for the source tables show that vacuum was run the day before.
Why are the cloned tables no longer working?

Correct Answer: C
In Delta Lake, a shallow clone creates a new table by copying the metadata of the source table without duplicating the data files. When the vacuum command is run on the source table, it removes old data files that are no longer needed to maintain the transactional log's integrity, potentially including files referenced by the shallow clone's metadata. If these files are purged, the shallow cloned tables will reference non-existent data files, causing them to stop working properly. This highlights the dependency of shallow clones on the source table's data files and the impact of data management operations like vacuum on these clones.References: Databricks documentation on Delta Lake, particularly the sections on cloning tables (shallow and deep cloning) and data retention with the vacuum command (https://docs.databricks.com/delta/index.html).


An upstream system is emitting change data capture (CDC) logs that are being written to a cloud object storage directory. Each record in the log indicates the change type (insert, update, or delete) and the values for each field after the change. The source table has a primary key identified by the field pk_id.
For auditing purposes, the data governance team wishes to maintain a full record of all values that have ever been valid in the source system. For analytical purposes, only the most recent value for each record needs to be recorded. The Databricks job to ingest these records occurs once per hour, but each individual record may have changed multiple times over the course of an hour.
Which solution meets these requirements?

Correct Answer: B
This is the correct answer because it meets the requirements of maintaining a full record of all values that have ever been valid in the source system and recreating the current table state with only the most recent value for each record. The code ingests all log information into a bronze table, which preserves the raw CDC data as it is. Then, it uses merge into to perform an upsert operation on a silver table, which means it will insert new records or update or delete existing records based on the change type and the pk_id columns. This way, the silver table will always reflect the current state of the source table, while the bronze table will keep the history of all changes. Verified References: [Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional], under “Delta Lake” section; Databricks Documentation, under “Upsert into a table using merge” section.


The data engineer team has been tasked with configured connections to an external database that does not have a supported native connector with Databricks. The external database already has data security configured by group membership. These groups map directly to user group already created in Databricks that represent various teams within the company.
A new login credential has been created for each group in the external database. The Databricks Utilities Secrets module will be used to make these credentials available to Databricks users.
Assuming that all the credentials are configured correctly on the external database and group membership is properly configured on Databricks, which statement describes how teams can be granted the minimum necessary access to using these credentials?

Correct Answer: C
In Databricks, using the Secrets module allows for secure management of sensitive information such as database credentials. Granting 'Read' permissions on a secret key that maps to database credentials for a specific team ensures that only members of that team can access these credentials. This approach aligns with the principle of least privilege, granting users the minimum level of access required to perform their jobs, thus enhancing security.
✑ Databricks Documentation on Secret Management: Secrets