At Cloud Kicks (CK), the marketing director's management style is results-driven. CK uses scrum methodology when developing improvements to its Salesforce org. The director requests urgent enhancements in the middle of a sprint that require changes by the development team, The director believes their needs are of the highest importance.
What should the business analyst do when disruptions to the project occur?
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The sales team is learning a new sales methodology. Management wants to align Salesforce opportunities with the methodology.
What is the first step a business analyst should take to begin overhauling the Opportunity object?
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What is the storage of the Developer Pro Sandbox?
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Northern Trail Outfitter is eliciting feedback from a small number of key stakeholders within the organization for improvements to the current opportunity pipeline process. One of the stakeholders has a tendency to dominate the conversation which takes the group off topic and interfaces with meeting the objective.
How should the business analyst collaborate with the key stakeholder's?
Correct Answer:
The technical team at Cloud Kicks is trying to deliver one of its Salesforce customizations. The business analyst (BA) has been asked to put assignments, test plans, decisions, and milestones in writing and share this document with stakeholders so there is less potential for confusion.
Which tactical document should the BA use to capture features?
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