

- (Topic 3)
How many resource monitors can be assigned at the account level?

Correct Answer: A
Snowflake allows for only one resource monitor to be assigned at the account level. This monitor oversees the credit usage of all the warehouses in the account. References: Snowflake Documentation


- (Topic 6)
What causes objects in a data share to become unavailable to a consumer account?

Correct Answer: C
Objects in a data share become unavailable to a consumer account if the objects in the data share are deleted or if the permissions on these objects are altered without re- applying the grant permissions systematically. This is because the sharing mechanism in Snowflake relies on explicit grants of permissions on specific objects (like tables, views, or secure views) to the share. If these objects are deleted or if their permissions change without updating the share accordingly, consumers can lose access. TheDATA_RETENTION_TIME_IN_DAYSparameter does not directly affect the availability of shared objects, as it controls how long Snowflake retains historical data for time travel and does not impact data sharing permissions.
Running theGRANT IMPORTED PRIVILEGEScommand in the consumer account is not related to the availability of shared objects; this command is used to grant privileges on imported objects within the consumer's account and is not a routine maintenance command that would need to be run regularly.
Acquiring a data share through a private data exchange does not inherently make objects unavailable; issues would only arise if there were problems with the share configuration or if the shared objects were deleted or had their permissions altered without re-granting access to the share.
Reference: Snowflake Documentation on Managing Access to Shared Data


- (Topic 6)
What is the benefit of using the STRIP_OUTER_ARRAY parameter with the COPY INTO

command when loading data from a JSON file into a table?

Correct Answer: B
The STRIP_OUTER_ARRAY parameter in the COPY INTO <table> command is used when loading data from a JSON file into a table. This parameter removes the outer array structure from the JSON data and loads separate rows of data into the table.
✑ Understanding the STRIP_OUTER_ARRAY Parameter:
✑ How It Works:
✑ Example Usage: FROM @my_stage/file.json
✑ uk.co.certification.simulator.questionpool.PList@6ef05806
✑ Benefits:
✑ Snowflake Documentation: COPY INTO <table>
✑ Snowflake Documentation: JSON File Format Options


- (Topic 4)
A JSON file, that contains lots of dates and arrays, needs to be processed in Snowflake. The user wants to ensure optimal performance while querying the data.
How can this be achieved?

Correct Answer: B
Storing JSON data in a table with a VARIANT data type is optimal for querying because it allows Snowflake to leverage its semi-structured data capabilities. This approach enables efficient storage and querying without the need for flattening the data, which can be performance-intensive1.


- (Topic 2)
When cloning a database containing stored procedures and regular views, that have fully qualified table references, which of the following will occur?

Correct Answer: A
When cloning a database containing stored procedures and regular views with fully qualified table references, the cloned views and stored procedures will reference the cloned tables in the cloned database (A). This ensures that the cloned database is a self-contained copy of the original, with all references pointing to objects within the same cloned database. References: SnowPro Core Certification cloning database stored procedures views

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