- (Topic 6)
What does Snowflake attempt to do if any of the compute resources for a virtual warehouse fail to provision during start-up?
Correct Answer:
If any compute resources for a virtual warehouse fail to provision during startup, Snowflake will attempt to restart those failed resources. The system is designed to automatically handle transient issues that might occur during the provisioning of compute resources. By restarting the failed resources, Snowflake aims to ensure that the virtual warehouse has the necessarycompute capacity to handle the user's workloads without manual intervention.References:Snowflake Documentation on Virtual Warehouses
- (Topic 6)
Which function determines the kind of value stored in a VARIANT column?
Correct Answer:
The function used to determine the kind of value stored in a VARIANT column in Snowflake is TYPEOF.
✑ Understanding VARIANT Data Type:
✑ Using TYPEOF Function:
✑ Example Usage:
SELECT TYPEOF(variant_column) FROM my_table;
✑ uk.co.certification.simulator.questionpool.PList@4255ce8d
✑ Benefits:
✑ Snowflake Documentation: TYPEOF
✑ Snowflake Documentation: VARIANT Data Type
- (Topic 3)
Which file format will keep floating-point numbers from being truncated when data is unloaded?
Correct Answer:
The Parquet file format is known for preserving the precision of floating-point numbers when data is unloaded, preventing truncation of the values3.
- (Topic 6)
What optional properties can a Snowflake user set when creating a virtual warehouse?
(Select TWO).
Correct Answer:
When creating a virtual warehouse in Snowflake, users have the option to set several properties to manage its behavior and resource usage. Two of these optional properties are Auto-suspend and Resource monitor.
✑ Auto-suspend:This property defines the period of inactivity after which the warehouse will automatically suspend. This helps in managing costs by stopping the warehouse when it is not in use.
AUTO_SUSPEND = 300; -- Auto-suspend after 5 minutes of inactivity
✑ Resource monitor:Users can assign a resource monitor to a warehouse to control and limit the amount of credit usage. Resource monitors help in setting quotas and alerts for warehouse usage.
RESOURCE_MONITOR = 'my_resource_monitor';
✑ Snowflake Documentation: Creating Warehouses
✑ Snowflake Documentation: Resource Monitors
- (Topic 4)
Which parameter can be set at the account level to set the minimum number of days for which Snowflake retains historical data in Time Travel?
Correct Answer:
The parameter DATA_RETENTION_TIME_IN_DAYS can be set at the account level to define the minimum number of days Snowflake retains historical data for Time Travel1.