

In Avro, adding a field to a record without default is a schema evolution

Correct Answer: A
Clients with old schema will be able to read records saved with new schema.


A topic receives all the orders for the products that are available on a commerce site. Two applications want to process all the messages independently - order fulfilment and monitoring. The topic has 4 partitions, how would you organise the consumers for optimal performance and resource usage?

Correct Answer: C
two partitions groups - one for each application so that all messages are delivered to both the application. 4 consumers in each as there are 4 partitions of the topic, and you cannot have more consumers per groups than the number of partitions (otherwise they will be inactive and wasting resources)


You want to send a message of size 3 MB to a topic with default message size configuration. How does KafkaProducer handle large messages?

Correct Answer: C
MessageSizeTooLarge is not a retryable exception.


The kafka-console-consumer CLI, when used with the default options

Correct Answer: A
If a group is not specified, the kafka-console-consumer generates a random consumer group.


A Zookeeper ensemble contains 5 servers. What is the maximum number of servers that can go missing and the ensemble still run?

Correct Answer: C
majority consists of 3 zk nodes for 5 nodes zk cluster, so 2 can fail