

A consumer application is using KafkaAvroDeserializer to deserialize Avro messages. What happens if message schema is not present in AvroDeserializer local cache?

Correct Answer: D
First local cache is checked for the message schema. In case of cache miss, schema is pulled from the schema registry. An exception will be thrown in the Schema Registry does not have the schema (which should never happen if you set it up properly)


What is returned by a producer.send() call in the Java API?

Correct Answer: C
Seehttps://kafka.apache.org/21/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/KafkaProducer. html


Your streams application is reading from an input topic that has 5 partitions. You run 5 instances of your application, each with num.streams.threads set to 5. How many stream tasks will be created and how many will be active?

Correct Answer: D
One partition is assigned a thread, so only 5 will be active, and 25 threads (i.e. tasks) will be created


You want to sink data from a Kafka topic to S3 using Kafka Connect. There are 10 brokers in the cluster, the topic has 2 partitions with replication factor of 3. How many tasks will you configure for the S3 connector?

Correct Answer: D
You cannot have more sink tasks (= consumers) than the number of partitions, so 2.


What are the requirements for a Kafka broker to connect to a Zookeeper ensemble? (select two)

Correct Answer: BD
Each broker must have a unique broker id and connect to the same zk ensemble and root zNode