

How do Kafka brokers ensure great performance between the producers and consumers? (select two)

Correct Answer: BE
Kafka transfers data with zero-copy and sends the raw bytes it receives from the producer
straight to the consumer, leveraging the RAM available as page cache


How do you create a topic named test with 3 partitions and 3 replicas using the Kafka CLI?

Correct Answer: C
As of Kafka 2.3, the kafka-topics.sh command can take --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 as an argument. You could also use the (now deprecated) option of --zookeeper localhost:2181.


If you enable an SSL endpoint in Kafka, what feature of Kafka will be lost?

Correct Answer: C
With SSL, messages will need to be encrypted and decrypted, by being first loaded into the JVM, so you lose the zero copy optimization. See more information herehttps://twitter.com/ijuma/status/1161303431501324293?s=09


To allow consumers in a group to resume at the previously committed offset, I need to set the proper value for...

Correct Answer: C
Setting a group.id that's consistent across restarts will allow your consumers part of the same group to resume reading from where offsets were last committed for that group


To produce data to a topic, a producer must provide the Kafka client with...

Correct Answer: D
All brokers can respond to a Metadata request, so a client can connect to any broker in the cluster and then figure out on its own which brokers to send data to.