

Directors on a health plan's board must demonstrate their compliance with three duties in all their decisions. Directors who exercise their duties in good faith and with the same degree of diligence and skill that an ordinary, reasonable person would be expected to display in the same situation are meeting the duty known as the

Correct Answer: C


Antitrust laws can affect the formation, merger activities, or acquisition initiatives of a health plan. In the United States, the two federal agencies that have the primary responsibility for enforcing
antitrust laws are the

Correct Answer: D


From the following answer choices, choose the term that best corresponds to this description. Barrington Health Services, Inc. contracts with a state Medicaid agency as a fiscal intermediary. Barrington does not provide medical services, but contracts with medical providers on behalf of the state Medicaid agency.

Correct Answer: A


The Good & Well Pharmacy, a Medicaid provider of outpatient drugs, is subject to the prospective drug utilization review (DUR) mandates of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (OBRA '90). One component of prospective DUR is screening. In this context, when Good & Well is involved in the process of screening, the pharmacy is

Correct Answer: B


In the paragraph below, a statement contains two pairs of terms enclosed in parentheses. Determine which term in each pair correctly completes the statement. Then select the answer choice containing the two terms that you have chosen.
Every employee benefit plan governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) must distribute a summary plan description (SPD) to participants within (90 / 120) days after the date on which the plan is adopted or made effective. Thereafter, if the plan is amended, a new SPD must be distributed every (5 / 10) years.

Correct Answer: C