

MX record priority increases as the number increases. (True/False.)

Correct Answer: B


What is the way to decide how a packet will move from an untrusted outside host to a protected inside that is behind a firewall, which permits the hacker to determine which ports are open and if the packets can pass through the packet-filtering of the firewall?

Correct Answer: B


Clark, a professional hacker, attempted to perform a Btlejacking attack using an automated tool, Btlejack, and hardware tool, micro:bit. This attack allowed Clark to hijack, read, and export sensitive information shared between connected devices. To perform this attack, Clark executed various btlejack commands. Which of the following commands was used by Clark to hijack the connections?

Correct Answer: D


Sam is a penetration tester hired by Inception Tech, a security organization. He was asked to perform port scanning on a target host in the network. While performing the given task, Sam sends FIN/ACK probes and determines that an RST packet is sent in response by the target host, indicating that the port is closed.
What is the port scanning technique used by Sam to discover open ports?

Correct Answer: C
TCP Maimon scan
This scan technique is very similar to NULL, FIN, and Xmas scan, but the probe used here is
FIN/ACK. In most cases, to determine if the port is open or closed, the RST packet should be generated as a response to a probe request. However, in many BSD systems, the port is open if the packet gets dropped in response to a probe.
https://nmap.org/book/scan-methods-maimon-scan.html How Nmap interprets responses to a Maimon scan probe Probe Response Assigned State
No response received (even after retransmissions) open|filtered TCP RST packet closed
ICMP unreachable error (type 3, code 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, or 13) filtered


Within the context of Computer Security, which of the following statements describes Social Engineering best?

Correct Answer: C